We have a variety of Muck & Slurry spreading equipment so that we can cater to your individual needs and help to ensure you meet the requirement to spread in the window of opportunity before the growing season.

  • Samson Vertical Beater Muck Spreaders (Rear Discharge)
  • 12 Ton Slurry Spreaders (Side Discharge)
  • Horizontal Beater with Spinning Disc for Poultry Manure
  • Vacuum Tankers (2500 and 3500) gallon
  • JCB413S
  • JCB Telescopic

In addition to the above, we have invested in a Storth Mega Mix Lagoon Pump, ideal for mixing & stirring lagoons to ensure the perfect consistency & balancing the nutrients equally throughout to assist with effective fertilising.

Slurry is a valuable and natural source of major nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate. It is ideal for spreading onto silage ground and arable stubble to replenish N.P.K. levels which are depleted after cropping.

With the ever-increasing cost of chemical fertilisers, many farmers are now taking advantage of this cheaper and more efficient method of nutrient replenishment. We can empty slurry pits and spread back onto land using slurry tankers or our impeller spreaders for a more precise application.

With the Mega Mix Lagoon Pump, not only are we able to mix, but also have the facility to pump directly into a tanker or other lagoons via the 6” side discharge pipes. The double hydraulic rams for depth control mean the size & shape of your lagoon is no match for the Mega Mix.